Compostyle SGC 020

Compostyle® SGC-020

The Composostyle SGC 020 is an excellent companion for family cooking and also for some small commercial businesses. It can process up to 2kg of organic waste in just 6-24 hours, reducing their weight and volume by 95%. It does not produce unpleasant odors and 95% of waste will be decomposed imperceptibly. Furthermore, its compact design makes it easy to use and place in limited spaces. Composite also contributes to the reduction of organic waste, an increasingly urgent environmental problem.

Introducing the new and innovative kitchen appliance, the Unique Food Recycler, which converts food scraps into fertilizer within 24 hours. Designed for kitchen use, Unique Food Recycler Compostyle® reduces food waste by more than two-thirds of its original volume through a fully automated process. This organic waste self-composting machine can only be used for food waste.

Manufacturing Specifications:

  1. Model:Sgc 020
  2. Description: Family composting machine for 2kg food waste
  3. Nominal decomposition capacity: 2 kg/day
  4. Power mode: continuous or intermittent
  5. Rated voltage: AC 220V/50Hz
  6. Electricity consumption: approximately 40/60w*h
  7. Product dimensions: L385 x D 430 x H 580
  8. Decomposition method: enzyme fermentation
  9. Internal application environment or external environment under a rainproof canopy
  10. Operating temperature Min 5°C - max 50°C.

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